Monday, July 21, 2014

Shopping for 한복 (Hanbok)

Over the last year I have grown to really enjoy shopping in Korean markets. It's hard to describe this unique experience. Shopping here is not like shopping anywhere else I have ever been. The markets usually include some of each of the following: tiny crowded stores packed with the specific item they sell, and large warehouse type buildings with narrow pathways leading to merchandise stacked high and also many street vendors who display their wares on tables, shelves or on the street. The markets are uniquely organized into "alleys" where you can find similar items. There are always food vendors and lots of smells, some delicious smells but also some pretty potent often fishy or garlicky smells.  I must confess I was a little overwhelmed by it at first, but with time and experience it has become a favorite.

Saturday was a favorite of favorites! We went shopping for Hanbok. That is the beautiful traditional Korean clothing I have written about in previous blog posts. I didn't think I would buy any because they can be quite expensive. But our good friends the Mendenhalls took us to a second hand clothing alley at the Gwanmun Market. Store after store had used Hanbok in various colors, styles and sizes. The cost for children's sizes ranged from 7,000 to 10,000 won ($7 to $10).
I was like a kid in a ... how about a grandma in a Hanbok store. In less than an hour I purchased a dozen sets. I was practically giddy. Fred? Not so much, but he was a good sport. He even toted the bags.
This will not be a one time experience. I am not quite through Hanbok shopping. I think I need about five more. Maybe seven. I might need to save up a few thousand won first.

I will miss Korean markets. I think American stores may seem a little boring or at least not as entertaining. Yet practically speaking, I will be happy to push a cart around Target or grab my favorites at Sam's club. I am just so happy that I still have time left to enjoy our Korea adventure, but the light of home is visible at the end of the tunnel.

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