Saturday, June 1, 2013

The Mission Call

Photo by Heidi
         A short story about our mission call to Korea.
We served our first mission in Colorado Springs from September of 2008 to March of 2010. It was a wonderful eighteen months. When our mission was over we knew we wanted to serve again. We talked about different possibilities and settled on going out again in the fall of 2013 or early winter of 2014. Here's the rest of the story:
--October 2012 we received an unexpected call from the San Diego mission president asking us to come and serve a military relations mission there.
--After a few phone calls and negotiations of sorts, we agreed. We settled on a May arrival date. So we submitted our mission paperwork with that intent.
--February 2013 our second farewell torture tour began. This is what we affectionately call our tearful pre-mission trips to say goodbye to family.
--While in Tucson visiting our son DJ, we received a call from the church offices asking if we were willing to serve in a foreign country. Now this was clearly not a mission call, just someone from the missionary department checking to see if that was a possibility.
--March 2013 we gathered our family in our home, on Skype and on speaker phone. We opened our call and read, "You are called to be a missionary of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. You are assigned to labor in the Korea Busan Mission. You should report... Monday, May 13, 2013."
WOW! That was not expected at all.
--A few logistical complications required our report day to be changed to June 10th. Then some medical complications required it to be moved to June 13th. Now we are patiently waiting to see if yet one more complication will cause another postponement!
That may not have seemed like a short story, but believe me if I shared all the details it would have been very long and no one would ever finish reading it. So let me wrap this first post of our new blog up with this... We are thrilled to serve another mission. We are grateful for this amazing opportunity. We are ready and willing to go to Korea, or anywhere we are needed. Yes, another Fsquad adventure is about to begin! Much more to come.

1 comment:

  1. I wondered about the change from San Diego to Korea and now I know. I wish you guys all the best as you head out so soon. Love ya!

    Emily Wilkinson Norton
