Saturday, March 22, 2014

Just a Little "girl time"

Serving a mission really strengthens our relationship. We have a common goal and spend most of our time together. We plan, pray, teach and serve as a team. We are seldom apart. I am very grateful for my mission companion, who happens to be my best friend, my husband of nearly 45 years and also my eternal companion. We get along very well and really enjoy our time and experiences together.
Having said that, I must confess I miss "girl time". I miss walking around the corner to visit with my mother. I sometime long for those last minute quick trips to Target with my daughters. I would love to meet my friends for lunch or a walk in the mall. There is  something about time with other women that is refreshing, energizing and just plain fun.
Recently I have been able to have a little girl time with some of the wonderful women I have met on our mission. I still miss my mother, my daughters and my friends. I look forward to reconnecting with them upon our return. On the other hand, I am truly blessed to spend time with these new friends. Heavenly Father created men and women, unique in their qualities but equally valued and equally loved. I am grateful for the good people he has placed in my life. Yes, I am especially grateful for a little "girl time" on this Korea adventure.   

 I recently traveled to Seoul for a women's conference with three friends from our Branch. We were able to enjoy some Korean cultural experiences while we were there. This is a class on Hanji paper. It's a traditional Korean craft. It's somewhat similar to paper mache. They use very fibrous paper made from mulberry trees. We each made a small tray.

This is a very Korean way to pose for pictures. I am not really sure why. They also love to pose with both hands making peace signs. These friends are both teachers here in Korea. One teaches at an English camp- where Korean students learn English by being immersed in mock activities. The other is here because of her husband's job. She substitute teaches at the American High School on Camp Walker.

Once each month our Relief Society (women's auxiliary) has a pot luck luncheon. Since this was March, much of our food was green. Some naturally and some with the help of food coloring.

Here I am enjoying a traditional Korean lunch with two friends. we are sitting on floor mats at a low table. Sitting on the floor at these Korean tables is a common experience here. Unfortunately it's hard to be graceful in a dress and it's hard to get back up when you are in your 60's! I'm proud to say I have maneuvered it a few times.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Half empty or half full?

We often use the analogy of a half filled glass to determine someone's perspective. Half empty? You might be considered a pessimist or someone who is negative. Half full?  That is the view of the optimist wearing  rose colored glasses. In my opinion, few people can be identified completely as an optimist or a pessimist. I think of myself as mostly optimistic, but my may husband tend to disagree. On the other hand, I would never disagree that he is an optimist, definitely sporting the latest model of rosy glasses. The bottom line is that for each of us reality is a product of our own perspective. Actually the glass is simultaneously half full and half empty! Our feelings arise from our point of view. Our goals and desires are often nurtured or thwarted by how we see any given situation. Whether we are primarily  positive or negative by nature... no matter how difficult or easy our circumstances...despite our strengths or limitations... ultimately we choose our own point of view.
A work in progress, just like our mission

Half  over or half remaining? Here's another question of perspective. We just reached the half way point of our 18 month mission.  So is our mission half over or do we have half remaining? The answer is both. Just like a glass is both half empty and half full at the same time. In the world of the analogy, it can be viewed as a good thing or a bad thing. In my perspective the answer is still both. It's a good and a bad thing.  We have had nine amazing months filled with adventure and challenges. We have met wonderful people. We have fallen in love with Korea, its people and the culture. The Lord has been so good to us. We have enjoyed opportunities to serve others in small but meaningful ways. We have witnessed the love and caring good people offer to others. I have endured the pains of homesickness and challenges of living in unfamiliar circumstances. I have developed a sense of humor in response to botched communication attempts and continuous navigational challenges. Even the half empty experiences of our mission have filled my cup. At the half way point my cup is definitely much more than half full.  I anticipate the second half of our mission being even more productive and fulfilling than the first. because the challenges of the first half are now lessons learned. I look forward to the adventures ahead. Even though I love this mission and our time here, I must confess that I also look forward to the day I walk down the ramp into the Great Falls airport- returning to home and family.

Just a few mission pictures:

This was a Guamanian/Filipino birthday celebration in the heart of Daegu South Korea. The buffet was amazing and included many traditional foods. The birthday boy, 68 years young, and his wonderful welcoming family.

The end of a fun "family home evening". We shared a bible video, hot dogs and a rousing game of liar's dice. The two young women are nonmembers who came with their English teacher. This was their first exposure to "Mormons". They had a great time and even attended church the following week. The only thing missing from our American FHE is the Americans! The soldiers were involved in a military exercise and could not attend. We love our Korean friends.